Anxiety and Depression

540025276Tumbling down the rabbit hole…

That tension in your body…

The miserable sleep – the tossing and turning, wondering what will happen next…

The jitters that make concentrating impossible…

It’s affecting your work and relationships!

More and more people have anxiety. Here’s why…

News stories and the media feed into our fears like never before. They continually point out what is wrong, bad, and negative, which drives us into a general fear state.

We also feel more disconnected from others because many now work remotely. That isolation causes us to feel more insecure when interacting with others in person.

Imagine meeting someone in person you’ve only known online. Maybe you have a bit of social anxiety, so you start to doubt yourself right before you meet.

That anxiety can quickly turn to panic!

1409500496It’s like you’re a deer in headlights!

Obsessing and worrying about situations inevitably lead to dread or negative self-talk.

When you say things to yourself like, “I was so stupid in that meeting,” you’ll start to apply that sentiment to other areas of your life, focusing on every situation you think makes you appear incompetent.

On top of that, you may judge yourself harshly, saying, “I should have done this or that.” It’s easy to start dwelling on those judgments, which increases your anxiety even more.

It’s easy to see how all this can lead to depression.

Living in a world where you’re apprehensive and constantly hearing that critical voice in your head will make you sad.

The world becomes cloudy.

Your legs feel heavy.

You want to hide.

You cry often.

When you think and feel this way, it saps your strength and confidence… you don’t have the energy or inclination to do anything!

You cast your eyes down, and a vicious cycle ensues. Soon, your friends don’t know what to say to you, and you get increasingly isolated.

2190531317Your life doesn’t have to be this way.

There are highly effective treatments for anxiety and depression, and there’s a lot we can do to help you start feeling better right away.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

In EMDR, the core negative beliefs drive your anxiety. We reprocess the memories connected to those negative beliefs and physical sensations until you’re no longer disturbed and reinforce a positive belief with EMDR. During reprocessing, you make sense of and discover your thought distortions.


Brainspotting taps into the visual spot connected with your body as you think about your anxious or depressive beliefs and images. As you focus on this spot and allow your feelings and body sensations to be experienced fully, you can release the energy of sadness and anxiety – this results in rapid relief from emotional pain.

Talk Therapy

Sharing a painful situation with someone compassionate and nonjudgmental can be very comforting. I’ll meet you where you are emotionally. You will know you are seen and heard because I will listen wholeheartedly. If you want help with negative thoughts, we’ll identify your thought distortions to help you determine if they are true to help you feel happier.


I teach you communication skills to strengthen your relationships; so much of communication is in body language, tone, and how you speak. We’ll work on visualizations, meditation, and strengthening your positive beliefs about yourself. I’ll encourage you to use new regimens that quickly relieve anxiety and depression.

Together, we can get these things under control!

Feel happier and more relaxed, so you can be your best self and improve your life!

Please call me at (818) 259-7650 today for a free 20-minute consultation to answer your questions and determine if we are a good fit to work together.

You may also message me at with any questions you may have.